Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Vocabulary #7

1. duc(t), duce: to lead
2. fed(er), fid(e): faith, trust
3. fin(e): end, limit
4. flec, flex : to bend
1. Aqueduct: a large pipe or other conduit made to bring water from a great distance
•A lot of people use aqueducts to get water.
2. Conducive: tending to lead, help, assist, or result in
•I am conducive when my grandpa needs help.
3. Definitive: completely accurate, reliable, and authoritative; decisive or conclusive
•My best friend gave me a definitive description of me.
4. Fidelity: faithfulness to one's promises or obligations; steadfast faithfulness; technological faithfulness
•I show everyone that I have fidelity no matter what they tell me.
5. Fiduciary: an individual who holds something in trust for another; a trustee
•People can always count on me to be their fiduciary.
6. Finale: a grand conclusion, as of performance; the last scene of a play
•I always wait for the finale of a show because that's where I find out everything.
7. Finite: limited or bordered by time or by any measurement; measurable
•We only have a finite amount of time to finish a test.
8. Flexuous: winding in and out; bending or wavering
•The gymnast did a lot of flexious moves.
9. Inducement: anything used or given to persuade or motivate; an incentive
•My parents always give me inducements to keep me motivated.
10. Inflection: a slight change in tone or modulation of the voice, as in a point of emphasis
•My mom uses inflection when she exaggerates
11. Perfidious: characteristics of one who would intentionally betray a faith or trust; treacherous
•I think of my brother as being perfidious.
12. Traduce: to speak falsely of; to slander or defame; to disgrace another's good name; to vilify
•I always here my family traduce about one another.

Literature Analysis

Lizet Lara
Period 2
Lit. Analysis
                                   The Joy Luck Club
    In the book "The Joy Luck Club," by Amy Tan, a group of women play mah jong. It was a tradition that Suyuan Woo had started when she was in China. She got a group of women and they all played mah jong together feeling very lucky. Suyuan Woo had died a few months ago and the other members of the club wanted Jing-mei Woo, Suyuan’s daughter, to take her place. Along the book, the members started to tell stories of what their childhood was like and different situations they had to face. In one story, a woman named Lindo Jong tells her story and she explains that one sacrifices a part of oneself by putting on one’s "American face" or one’s "Chinese face." It is true because when you put on one face, you lose the characteristics of the other.
    When putting one the "American face" I think that you start doing what you see other Americans doing.You want to be like them. This causes the mothers and their daughters to start fighting, to grow farther apart, and the daughters basically not respecting where they come from and the traditions they grew up in. The "Chinese face" however is when they do obey their parents, do the traditions and don’t want to change. They want to do what their parents think is best for them. They follow their traditions and beliefs. They are opposites.
    You put on one face but take of the other. That’s the bad part of having to wear one face and taking off the other. When you switch faces, the person wearing it can become another person. They lose the character they were when they had the other face. It is impossible to be wearing both faces at a time. You either act all american or all chinese. Most of the daughters wear their "American Face" while the mothers wear the "Chinese face".
    It all depends on which face you are wearing. When choosing, though, you have to be very careful because you have to wear different faces with different people. For example when they're with their friends, they might want to put on their american face. Their chinese face would be what they wear with their parents. They each want different things so they put on different faces.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Leopard Man Questions

9. Tom Leppard is called "Leopard Man because he is tattooed from head to toe with leopard spots.
10. The author thinks that people with tattoos and piercings only do it to seek attention. He feels that since they have failed to attract people's attention positively, they try to do it with shocking decisions.
11. Leopard Man is different from other tattooed and pierced people because he does it to get away from society and everyone. He decided to live in solitude.
12. Leopard Man lives in a small cabin in the Scottish wilderness.
13. According to Feys, society fears loners and 'those mysterious creatures who pursue their own values. They are feared because society doesn't understand them.
14. The world's most common but dangerous psychological disorder is conformity. It is just like suppressing and destroying one's self. We are pressured to surrender our individuality and be like everyone else.
15. Leopard Man is happy because he is now free from social pressures. He feels like he is in a paradise doing what he does and being where he is.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Diction Handout

1. An example of a jargon: plop

2. Opaque- Not transparent
     Elongated- Unusually long
     Phosphorescent- Glowing with light without becoming hot
    Elusive- difficult to find, catch, or achieve
    Cadaverous- Resembling a corpse in being very pale, thin, or bony
    Awash- covered or flooded with water
   ~The shadow the ship cast on the sea made the water dark. But instantly, I saw something elongated and pale floating by the ship close to the ladder. Before I guessed what it could be, a naked body of a man flashed a light. It seemed that the body glowed. I gasped at the sight of a pair of long legs and feet. Then the back revealed itself, but only to the neck. One hand reached out and grasped the bottom rung of the ladder. The man was complete except for the head. It was a headless man. I gapped dropping my cigar, which formed a pop and hiss before forming complete silence. I guessed he lifted his head at this. I climbed on the spar, reaching out to see what the mystery beside the ship could be. He was holding onto the ladder like a swimmer. He seemed ghastly, silvery, fishlike.

3. The elevated language makes the story seem more mysterious. It gives you more chills to read it with big words. Paraphrasing it made it less scary.

4. Saw, gasp, clutched, climbed, gaping

5. The author leaves the captain, ship, and crew nameless to produce a mysterious tone. to make your imagination working trying to picture them and their names.

6. The denotative meaning of the title The Secret Sharer is that the person shares secrets or that the person shares thing secretly.


Thursday, November 13, 2014

Literature Analysis #2

Invisible Man

Part 1:

In Ralph Ellison's novel, Invisible Man, the main character starts by talking about his life as an 'invisible man.' Then he goes on talking about his past. He starts out as a trustee's driver. He drives him outside of the college campus, where he gets sick by sitting outside in the sun for too long. He takes the trustee to the Golden Day, a bar, and there he becomes unconscious and even sicker. Because of his irresponsibilities, he is kicked out of the college and has to go move to New York. There he doesn't know what to do or where to go. He meets a lot of new people and gets caught up in a riot in Harlem. Slowly, though, he realizes and learns how to live a good life invisibly. Without many people noticing him, living quietly and to him it was an awsome life. In fact, he said it was even better to live like this than to live where evryone notices you all the time.

Part 2:

The main theme of this book is gow to be responsible and take consequences when you deserve them. I think Ellison wanted to write about this character, 'the invisible,' becaise his story and way of living invisibly is vey interesting and different.

Part 3:

The protagonist is dynamic because he starts out living life and feeling it as one way, like putting yourself out there, standing out, and let your voice be heard. By the end, he thinks of life differently, like keeping it simple and living silently and still be having a good life.

Part 4: 

A symbol in this book is the locket with the trustee's daughter's picture. It changed the main character's point of view of the trustee and white people in general. He used to think that they were just selfish people who only thought about themselves and ignored what others felt. He realized that the trustee cares about everybody since he said that everyone's life was his destiny. It all depended on them. 

Part 5:

I chose this book because the title and the preview if the book were interesting. The title Invisible Man left me thinking about who he was, what did he do, how did he live. I read how he was invisible beacuse people refused to see him and it caught my attention.

Part 6:

One part of the book that I can relate to is the part of the bar and the fight inside.This made he think of a party my family had about 5 years ago. Towards the end of the party at night, there were drunken men who got into a big fight. In the book, they all jumped on the biggest man who was the one who kept everything in order. Hey didn't want him to boss them around and take away their privilege of drinking and being loud. In the party, my dad was the one that was sort of being the 'boss' and took thier beer away because they were too drunk. They all attacked him to try to get their beer back.Also, I can realate to the main character. Sometimes I feel that I am invisible among everyone else. I feel ignored at times like I'm there, yet they don't see me.

Part 7:

One idea from this book that I'll remember for a long time is that you are invisible because others refuse to see you. I will remember this when I'm taking any kind of risk. If I take a risk, I'll stand out and people will see me. If I don't and just live life safely, then I will also be invisble. People only see what they want to see and what they want to see is daring, excitement, and things that stand out. Only then will I be visible. The main character lives invisibly where no one notices him. He lives invisibly so that's how others see him.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Vocabulary #6

1. corp(or): body
2. cred: to believe, to trust
3.cur(r), curs, course: to run, to flow
4.dic(t): to speak, to speak

1. Benediction: a blessing or state of blessedness 
2. Concourse: flowing together
3. Concurrent: ocurring at the same time
4. Corporal: related to the physical body
5. Corpulent: fat, obese, stout
6. Credibility: quality of being believable 
7. Credulity: believing in people easily
8. Cursory: done in a superficial or hasty manner
9. Dictum: authortative sating
10. Incorporate: to form into one
11. Incredulous: not believing, doubting
12. Indicative: suggestive

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Greek Drama Handout Questions

1. Q: What kind of prize is given for dancing choruses of worshippers?
     A: Dancing choruses of worshippers would compete for prizes like a bull or a goat.
2. Q: How many spectators would gather in the open-air theatre of Dionysus?
     A: Fourteen thousand spectators would gather in the open-air theatre of Dionysus. 
3. Q: How does the mask affect the voices of the actors?
     A: The masks had exaggerated mouth pieces that amplified the actors' voices.
4. Q: Why was Antigone suspenseful to viewing audiences?
     A: Antigone was suspenseful to viewing audiences because they already knew things that the characters on stage didn't.
5. Q: How is the shepherd to leave the infant on the mountainside?
     A: The shepherd was to leave the infant with his ankles pinned together to die on the mountainside.
6. Q: What is the riddle the Sphinx gave to Oedipus?
     A: The riddle The Sphinx gave Oedipus was " What creature goes on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening?"
7. Q: Who are Oedipus' kids?
     A: Oedipus' kids are Polyneices, Eteocles, Antigone, and Ismene.
8. Q: After Oedipus is exiled, who takes over Thebes?
     A: After Oedipus was exiled, Creon took over Thebes.
9. Q: What did the family do to the dead body? 
    A: The family put the dead body on a portable framework with the feet pointed towards the door and sprinkled it with herbs to keep the evil spirits away.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Antigone Quickwrite

If I were the person in the story and I had to take action, then I would act right away. Since my favorite brother is not to be buried with honor like my jerk-ish brother, which I hate, then I would take it upon myself to give my brother a proper burial. My sister would be to afraid of the consequences that there is if someone is to try to bury my brother, which is that whoever tries to bury him will be executed. Even though I would be angry at my sister for being too scared to help me because she is afraid at the law my uncle has put if anyone is to disobey his orders,  would still go on to device a plan to give my brother a proper burial no matter what the consequences will be.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Jonathan Safran Foer Webinar

In Jonathan Safran Foer's book, "Eating Animals", he writes an excerpt called "A Case for Eating Dogs". In the excerpt, he talks about how even though some people think that eating dogs is a wrong thing to do, there are some countries that allow it. I personally think it is not a wrong thing to do. Foer says that people will eat other animals, but when it comes to dogs, they say that it's wrong because they are animals that have feelings and keep human beings company. If that applies to dogs, then it should also apply to other animals that we eat regularly like pork, fish, cows, and chickens. Those animals also have feelings and to some people may think they are better company than a dog will ever be. In the excerpt, Foer says "Three to four million dogs and cats are euthanized annually. This amounts to millions of pounds of meat now being thrown away every year." If humans would accept the fact that dogs or cats are edible and look away from what they are putting in their mouths, like they sometimes do, we would get millions of meat from the many cats and dogs that are killed. If it's alright to eat other innocent animals then why is it so bad to eat dogs. In some countries, it is legal to eat dogs. Many people use dogs and eat them and don't care what others think about it. They do it because that's what they like and believe. We don't care what we eat or put into our bodies, so why do we care if someone eats dog. It surly is a lot healthier than what some people eat like a lot of fat and sugar, which unlike dog meat, doesn't pose a threat to humans and our health. I wouldn't eat dog but I don't think it's that bad to eat it. If we are able to eat other animals, then we should be able to eat dogs. They are just like any other animals, so they should all be treated the same. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Vocabulary # 4

1. bon, boun: good
2. capit, capt: head, chief, leader
3. carn(i): flesh
4. ced(e), ceed, cess: go, yield, surrender

1.  accession: the act of becoming joined
• The accession of the salad ingredients were the great part of preparing for lunch. 
2.  bona fide: in good faith; genuine
• The remark was made in a bona fide way that it was taken into account. 
3.  bonanza: a sudden and unexpected source of money or riches
• The bonanza was an up point in their lives. 
4.  bounteous: plentiful and abundant
• We had a bounteous amount of food for the party. 
5.  capitulation: a final giving up
• After trying and trying, the group of students decided to capitulate.
6.  carnage: a great slaughter
• Many died in the carnage of the battle. 
7.  carnivorous: flesh-eating
• The cat was like a mini carnivorous lion. 
8.  incarnate: in flesh; bodily form personified
• The lady looked like an incarnate of her mother and it confused everyone. 
9.  intercede: to act on another's behalf; to meditate
• After deciding to be more religious, she started interceding more too. 
10. precedent: having gone before
• The precedent was used as a model for future generations.
11. recapitulation: a brief repetition
• The test became easier when I went through recapitulation.
12. reincarnation: a thing that is reborn
• The reincarnation of the god was praised very much.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Literature Analysis

The Sun Also Rises
By: Ernest Hemingway
1. Jake and Robert met up with some friends. Jake and his lady-friend, Brett, took a taxi ride where they expressed how they had felt about each other over the past. They explained to each other how much they loved each other, but couldn't be together. Jake went to fish in a town with his friend Bill.  They were to meet Robert, Michael and Brett to go see the bull-fights in Pamplona. When they were there,  they met a bull-fighter named Pedro Remero and found out that Robert likes Brett.Unfortunately, Brett fell in love with Pedro.
2. The theme of this story is Independence. Robert has to learn how to live on his own and Brett is a very independent woman who has an effect on everybody.
3. I chose this book because the title seemed interesting. To me,  it was going to be of how someone falls but stands right back up no matter what. After the first few pages,  I had to keep on reading because it I just had to know what happened to all the characters.
4. This book was very realistic. I could picture the characters in my head acting and doing the things said in the book.
5. This books tone was very excited. At times it was calm and sometimes romantic but but there was a lot of drinking so there was also a lot of drama.
6.~Personification: You ought to wake up with your mouth full of pity
   ~Personification: It's an honest face.
   ~Simile: It all seemed like a bad play.
   ~Metaphor: You're not a moron, you're just a case of arrested development.
   ~Symbolism: Excessive drinking means getting away fromlife's stress.
   ~Symbolism: Bull-fighting is strength and courage.
   ~Imagery: "Brett wad damned good-looking. She wore a slipover jersey sweater and a tweed skirt, and her hair was brushed back like a boy's."
   ~Simile: She was built with curves like the hull of a racing yacht.
1. 2 direct characterizations were of Count Mippipopolous and Robert Cohn. 2 indirect characterization were on Brett and Michael.
2. When the author talks about everybody, he talks about how much he likes or dislikes them because of how they act.
3. The protagonist, Jake, is static because he doesn't really change at all. He just lives and meets new people.
4. After reading this book I feel that I have read about someone just like Robert Cohn because he doesn't get hints others give him about how they feel about him.
After reading The Sun Also Rises, I now remember that when people drink a lot there will always be a lot of drama and fighting. Also, I will remember that when you really love someone you shouldn't let them go because they'll eventually meet someone better than you treated them even if you still remain friends. In this book everyone drank all the time and they often ended up drunk and fighting. That's how a lot of the fights in this story were started. Also, Jake loved Brett, but didn't take it anywhere. Eventually, Robert started to get feelings for her and she started to get feelings for Pedro Romero.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Vocabulary #3

1. aud(it): hear
2. avi: bird
3. bell(i): war
4. ben(e): good

1. antebellum: before war
•The antebellum town was peaceful.
2. audit: to attend class only as a listener, not for credit
•In an audit course, you only listen and learn.
3. auditory: related with the sense of hearing
•My granddad's auditory senses aren't functioning properly.
4. avian: characteristics of or pertaining to birds
•I sometimes wish I had avian characteristics like birds to fly.
5. aviary: an elaborate structure used for housing birds
•I made an aviary to give birds a place to stay.
6. avionics: technology in electronic equipment in aviation, missilery, and space flight
•Avionics is what the pilots rely on to
7. bellicose: eager to fight or quarrel
•My brothers are bellicose at time and always wrestle.
8. belligerency: the condition of warlike hostility
•My mom says we are full of belligerency because we fight all the time.
9. benefactor: a person who gives another person financial help
•My grandparents receive benefactors from my aunts and uncles.
10. beneficiary: one who receives a benefit, as from an insurance policy
•My dad got beneficiary when he got hurt on the job.
11. benign: good-natured
•A lot of people call me benign.
12. inaudible: unable to be heard
•When I am listening to music, everything else become inaudible.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Artemis, Orion and the 7 Sisters

Main Characters
Artemis: The goddess of hunting, caring.
Orion: Human skilled at hunting, in love with Artemis.
Apollo: Artemis' twin brother,  jealous.
7 sisters: Nymphs, wore white tunics.


This myth takes place in the forest of Arcady where Artemis and Orin hunted together and on the beach where Apollo tricked her sister to kill Orion.

Main Plot
Artemis is a hunting goddess and loves to hunt while her admirer, Orion, watches her in wonder from afar. One day while Orion, a human very skilled at hunting, was out in the woods he heard a noise and it so just happened that Artemis' 7 nymphs were out. He chased them and just when he was about to reach them, the goddess herself appeared and saved her nymphs by turning them into doves. They later became the stars and constellations we know now as the 7 sisters. After that Artemis became rather fond of Orion and they started to hang out together. Apollo though wasn't to fond of him and became jealous of how much time his sister spent with him. He was so jealous that he waited for just the right time to make his move. He found Artemis by the shore and challenged her to see who could hit a target in the water first. Without hesitating, Artemis took out her bow and arrow and shot at the target. Only after did she realize that the target was Orion. She turned his image into stars so his name could be remembered immortally.

Main Conflict
The problem in this myth is that Apollo is so jealous of how much time his sister, Artemis, spends with Orion.

Attempts to Explain
It tries to explain how the stars and the constellations were formed.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Vocabulary #2

1. anni, annu, enni: year
2. aqua, aque: water
3. arm: arm, weapon
4. art: art, craft, skill

1. aqua: bluish-green
The aqua shirt looked a lot like the sea.
2. aquaculture: cultivation of water plants
The plants cultivated by aquaculture don't require soil.
3. aqueous: watery
Her eyes got aqueous during the ceremony.
4. armada: a fleet of warships
The armada arrived to battle.
5. armature: protective clothing for battle
Soldiers wear armature when they go on a mission so they won't get injured badly.
6. armistice: temporary suspension of hostilities by mutual agreement
My brothers and I often reach an armistice after a long argument.
7. artifact: an artifact hand-made
The tribes artifacts resembled their way of living.
8. artifice: cunning ingenuity
My brothers artifice on me when they feel sneaky.
9. artisan: a person skilled at a craft
The products of artisans are decorated so beautifully.
10. millennium: a period of peace; a thousand years
Almost every battle or disagreement eventually reaches a millennium.
11. perennial: annually; year after year
The program's perennial banquet consists of food and family activities.
12. superannuated: worn-out
Many people don't like hand-me-downs because they just focus on the fact that they're superannuated.

Friday, September 5, 2014


August 21, 2014
So many young people want to be older so they can have more privacy and also so they could do whatever they want. So many older people want to be younger because when they're older, thet realize all the things they missed out on when they were young. They regret growing up too fast and not being able to enjoy their childhood. People don't realize how important their childhood is until they're older and have already wastes their time as a child. Personally, if I could stay 15 forever, I would. I'm in no rush to grow up and want to enjoy my time before adulthood.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Vocabulary #1

1.  act, ag, ig: to do, to move, to drive
2.  ali, alter: another, other
3.  am: at/ to love
4.  anim: life, spirit, soul

1.  agenda: a list, plan, or outline
     •My agenda is always full of things I never do.
2.  agile: able to move quickly and easily
     •Dogs are agile when chasing their tails.
3.  alienate: to make indifferent or hostile
     •We often don't want to feel alienated so we do what others do to feel accepted.
4.  altercation: angry or noisy argument
     •My brother and I often have altercations over the smallest disagreements.
5.  amiable: friendly or sociable
     •Many people tell me that I am amiable.
6.  amorous: suggestive of love
     •The novel had amorous scenes with the guy and girl.
7.  animated: filled with life and spirit
     •My brother is always animated, even in the worst days. 
8.  equanimity: calmness, even-temperedness
     •Equanimity is something I lack when it comes to tests.
9.  inalienable: unable to be taken away from
     •My mom is alienable about her phone.
10.inanimate: non-living
     •I like to think that inanimate objects have feelings to so I try not to hurt them.
11.magnanimous: generous or forgiving
     •I am magnanimous because humans make mistakes all the time.    
12.reactionary: unprogressive
     •I am reactionary when it comes to doing projects or assignments.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Purpose of Myth Review

  1. Four fundamental questions from the myth are "What's the nature of the universe in which I live?", "How do I relate to that universe?", "How much control do I have on my own life?", and "What must I do in order to survive?" 
  2. Four possible themes in world mythology can be "The first parents are often the gods of sky and earth", "Heroes are children of gods who have an unusual birth", "The creator-god usually fashions the first humans of being parts of the Earth", and "In the world as in nature, birth, maturity, and death are often followed by rebirth".
  3. For most major cultures, the creation of the universe was a chaotic, formless mass that god or pair of gods separated.
  4. Hero myths and epics teach members of society appropriate attitudes, behavior, and values of that culture.
  5. Ordinary people identify with heroes because they have weaknesses and imperfections that allow ordinary people to identify them.
  6. The foundation of the Matriarchal Society was based on the agricultural year. Normally men are the ones in who dominate, but there was a point where women were the dominating ones.
  7. Sigmund Freud's viewed myths as an expression of the individual's unconscious wishes, fears, and drives.
  8. Myths demonstrate that people posses the intellectual capacity to understand the world in which they live in.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Birth Order Research Essay

Lizet Lara

August 26, 2014

Period 2

Birth Order Research Traits

"Every person is unique in their own way," that's what everyone used to tell me when I was little. Although, some people have traits that are alike. A research on birth order has claimed that oldest children have similar traits. As do youngest, middle, and only children in their own category. When I tested it on myself, I found out that i was actually considered one of the youngest children even though I have an older and younger brother. Many of the research findings have applied to me like youngest children being temperamental and uncomplicated. Some are not like wanting to have a career where you want to perform or talk in front of a crowd of people.

One of the traits that describes me is that the youngest child is temperamental. At times, I get really moody. For example, one day I was perfectly fine going about my regular day. My brother and I started to play on the Wii. I started out playing and I was really happy because I won the first few rounds. Then my luck ran out and my brother started to win. Eventually I got mad and yelled at him for cheating even though I knew he wasn’t. I started out very happy, but within a couple of minutes, I got furious. Also, I often get mood swings where I’m happy then, I get mad, but I often end up feeling sad about how I act. That’s one trait I can truly relate to.

Another trait that's accurate with my way of being is youngest children being uncomplicated. Although, one exception for me is, yet another trait from the research, is being impatient. Many new friends I make get to know how I really am within a short period of time. I find myself pretty straight-forward. I don't hide many things and people don't really have a difficulty trying to figure me out. Although, one thing people always get wrong is how patient I am. Many think I have a lot of patience because of my personality and how I act, but the reality is that I often run out of patience. One day, I wsa watching my little brother do his homework. He took about five minutes just to try to figure out what 9+7 was. I got so impatient that I started to try to give him the answer. Aside from that though, I am not complicated at all.

Many traits are relatable for me, but others are not, like getting a profession where you have to get in front of a crowd and talk. I am not the best public speaker and if I get a job as it, I would probably get stage fright and run off stage. My future career will most likely stray away from on-stage talking. I would never talk in front of a large group of people volunterally, it would most likely be by force or because I really had to.

The Birth Order Research results are somewhat accurate in my case, but some traits are the complete opposite of how am. Traits impatient, uncomplicated, and temperamental describe me perfectly, whereas others like being able to perform onstage are not like me at all. This is my case though, for others it might be more accurate or less accurate because it is true that everyone is unique.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Birth Order Research Traits

This trait describes me because I am affectionate with animals and people around me.
I am temperamental sometimes and I often experience mood swings.
I think of myself pretty straight-forward and not very complicated.
Blames Others
This trait describes me because I often blame my brothers for things I don’t want to get in trouble for.
Somewhat Absentminded
Sometimes I blank out or start to daydream when I’m in the middle of something.
I am not very patient at many times. I want things to happen fast.
Short-term Rewards
I give myself little rewards for accomplishing small tasks.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

My Six Words

My six words were 'Make and Take Your Own Path'. I chose these six words because to me they mean that you have to make your own personality and stick with it. I like to be myself and not copy what everyone else is tying to be or do. I have built my own personality based on what I like and enjoy. I am going to stick by my personality and I will always try to be myself. Some people want to be popular because they want to be liked and accepted by many people. Whereas I have my own little circle of true friends and don't care what others have to say or think about me. I am my own person and that's how I'll remain.


Reflection on Week 1

My first week went really well. I mostly learned what my classes were going to be about. Also, I got to learn many things about my classmates. I did however learn some things in English like you never fail, only learn. I am not excited about this year with the new schedule and really wish that it's better than I think it's going to be.

How Schools Kill Creativity Reflection

I feel that my experience with school hasn't given me a chance of finding my talents. Sometimes teachers give students a chance to be creative but, sometimes they want things done their way. I am a cog in the industrial model of educational. I am like a guinea pig in an experiment to test a teacher's form of education. We aren't given a  chance to discover our personal talents in any academic class. We do however have a chance to be creative in classes like art, dance, and drama. An english class allowing students to be free with their passions and skills is one that gives students an option of how to do an assignment or a presention.