Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Birth Order Research Essay

Lizet Lara

August 26, 2014

Period 2

Birth Order Research Traits

"Every person is unique in their own way," that's what everyone used to tell me when I was little. Although, some people have traits that are alike. A research on birth order has claimed that oldest children have similar traits. As do youngest, middle, and only children in their own category. When I tested it on myself, I found out that i was actually considered one of the youngest children even though I have an older and younger brother. Many of the research findings have applied to me like youngest children being temperamental and uncomplicated. Some are not like wanting to have a career where you want to perform or talk in front of a crowd of people.

One of the traits that describes me is that the youngest child is temperamental. At times, I get really moody. For example, one day I was perfectly fine going about my regular day. My brother and I started to play on the Wii. I started out playing and I was really happy because I won the first few rounds. Then my luck ran out and my brother started to win. Eventually I got mad and yelled at him for cheating even though I knew he wasn’t. I started out very happy, but within a couple of minutes, I got furious. Also, I often get mood swings where I’m happy then, I get mad, but I often end up feeling sad about how I act. That’s one trait I can truly relate to.

Another trait that's accurate with my way of being is youngest children being uncomplicated. Although, one exception for me is, yet another trait from the research, is being impatient. Many new friends I make get to know how I really am within a short period of time. I find myself pretty straight-forward. I don't hide many things and people don't really have a difficulty trying to figure me out. Although, one thing people always get wrong is how patient I am. Many think I have a lot of patience because of my personality and how I act, but the reality is that I often run out of patience. One day, I wsa watching my little brother do his homework. He took about five minutes just to try to figure out what 9+7 was. I got so impatient that I started to try to give him the answer. Aside from that though, I am not complicated at all.

Many traits are relatable for me, but others are not, like getting a profession where you have to get in front of a crowd and talk. I am not the best public speaker and if I get a job as it, I would probably get stage fright and run off stage. My future career will most likely stray away from on-stage talking. I would never talk in front of a large group of people volunterally, it would most likely be by force or because I really had to.

The Birth Order Research results are somewhat accurate in my case, but some traits are the complete opposite of how am. Traits impatient, uncomplicated, and temperamental describe me perfectly, whereas others like being able to perform onstage are not like me at all. This is my case though, for others it might be more accurate or less accurate because it is true that everyone is unique.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that you are uncomplicated. I believe that's how we became so close haha. Also, having known you for a while now, I know that you are very shy and the fact that you disagreed with the career of having to talk in front of a crowd sounds very much like you.
