Thursday, August 21, 2014

My Six Words

My six words were 'Make and Take Your Own Path'. I chose these six words because to me they mean that you have to make your own personality and stick with it. I like to be myself and not copy what everyone else is tying to be or do. I have built my own personality based on what I like and enjoy. I am going to stick by my personality and I will always try to be myself. Some people want to be popular because they want to be liked and accepted by many people. Whereas I have my own little circle of true friends and don't care what others have to say or think about me. I am my own person and that's how I'll remain.



  1. Right on! I agree with what you are saying. Like the saying goes an original is worth more than a copy. I have created my own crazy weird personality and still am. I may not be the most popular but I surely am enjoying my life with my friends and family who accept me than those who want to fit in the crowd. Great job and continue making and living your own life:D

  2. I really like the speech you gave the day you presented your vine because you said that you liked to stray true to yourself and how you don't like to be a follower. This is really you because for the time I've known you, I've gotten to know that you're always your own hard working self :) Great job Lizet! See you tomorrow at the bus stop lol
