Sunday, September 28, 2014

Literature Analysis

The Sun Also Rises
By: Ernest Hemingway
1. Jake and Robert met up with some friends. Jake and his lady-friend, Brett, took a taxi ride where they expressed how they had felt about each other over the past. They explained to each other how much they loved each other, but couldn't be together. Jake went to fish in a town with his friend Bill.  They were to meet Robert, Michael and Brett to go see the bull-fights in Pamplona. When they were there,  they met a bull-fighter named Pedro Remero and found out that Robert likes Brett.Unfortunately, Brett fell in love with Pedro.
2. The theme of this story is Independence. Robert has to learn how to live on his own and Brett is a very independent woman who has an effect on everybody.
3. I chose this book because the title seemed interesting. To me,  it was going to be of how someone falls but stands right back up no matter what. After the first few pages,  I had to keep on reading because it I just had to know what happened to all the characters.
4. This book was very realistic. I could picture the characters in my head acting and doing the things said in the book.
5. This books tone was very excited. At times it was calm and sometimes romantic but but there was a lot of drinking so there was also a lot of drama.
6.~Personification: You ought to wake up with your mouth full of pity
   ~Personification: It's an honest face.
   ~Simile: It all seemed like a bad play.
   ~Metaphor: You're not a moron, you're just a case of arrested development.
   ~Symbolism: Excessive drinking means getting away fromlife's stress.
   ~Symbolism: Bull-fighting is strength and courage.
   ~Imagery: "Brett wad damned good-looking. She wore a slipover jersey sweater and a tweed skirt, and her hair was brushed back like a boy's."
   ~Simile: She was built with curves like the hull of a racing yacht.
1. 2 direct characterizations were of Count Mippipopolous and Robert Cohn. 2 indirect characterization were on Brett and Michael.
2. When the author talks about everybody, he talks about how much he likes or dislikes them because of how they act.
3. The protagonist, Jake, is static because he doesn't really change at all. He just lives and meets new people.
4. After reading this book I feel that I have read about someone just like Robert Cohn because he doesn't get hints others give him about how they feel about him.
After reading The Sun Also Rises, I now remember that when people drink a lot there will always be a lot of drama and fighting. Also, I will remember that when you really love someone you shouldn't let them go because they'll eventually meet someone better than you treated them even if you still remain friends. In this book everyone drank all the time and they often ended up drunk and fighting. That's how a lot of the fights in this story were started. Also, Jake loved Brett, but didn't take it anywhere. Eventually, Robert started to get feelings for her and she started to get feelings for Pedro Romero.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Vocabulary #3

1. aud(it): hear
2. avi: bird
3. bell(i): war
4. ben(e): good

1. antebellum: before war
•The antebellum town was peaceful.
2. audit: to attend class only as a listener, not for credit
•In an audit course, you only listen and learn.
3. auditory: related with the sense of hearing
•My granddad's auditory senses aren't functioning properly.
4. avian: characteristics of or pertaining to birds
•I sometimes wish I had avian characteristics like birds to fly.
5. aviary: an elaborate structure used for housing birds
•I made an aviary to give birds a place to stay.
6. avionics: technology in electronic equipment in aviation, missilery, and space flight
•Avionics is what the pilots rely on to
7. bellicose: eager to fight or quarrel
•My brothers are bellicose at time and always wrestle.
8. belligerency: the condition of warlike hostility
•My mom says we are full of belligerency because we fight all the time.
9. benefactor: a person who gives another person financial help
•My grandparents receive benefactors from my aunts and uncles.
10. beneficiary: one who receives a benefit, as from an insurance policy
•My dad got beneficiary when he got hurt on the job.
11. benign: good-natured
•A lot of people call me benign.
12. inaudible: unable to be heard
•When I am listening to music, everything else become inaudible.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Artemis, Orion and the 7 Sisters

Main Characters
Artemis: The goddess of hunting, caring.
Orion: Human skilled at hunting, in love with Artemis.
Apollo: Artemis' twin brother,  jealous.
7 sisters: Nymphs, wore white tunics.


This myth takes place in the forest of Arcady where Artemis and Orin hunted together and on the beach where Apollo tricked her sister to kill Orion.

Main Plot
Artemis is a hunting goddess and loves to hunt while her admirer, Orion, watches her in wonder from afar. One day while Orion, a human very skilled at hunting, was out in the woods he heard a noise and it so just happened that Artemis' 7 nymphs were out. He chased them and just when he was about to reach them, the goddess herself appeared and saved her nymphs by turning them into doves. They later became the stars and constellations we know now as the 7 sisters. After that Artemis became rather fond of Orion and they started to hang out together. Apollo though wasn't to fond of him and became jealous of how much time his sister spent with him. He was so jealous that he waited for just the right time to make his move. He found Artemis by the shore and challenged her to see who could hit a target in the water first. Without hesitating, Artemis took out her bow and arrow and shot at the target. Only after did she realize that the target was Orion. She turned his image into stars so his name could be remembered immortally.

Main Conflict
The problem in this myth is that Apollo is so jealous of how much time his sister, Artemis, spends with Orion.

Attempts to Explain
It tries to explain how the stars and the constellations were formed.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Vocabulary #2

1. anni, annu, enni: year
2. aqua, aque: water
3. arm: arm, weapon
4. art: art, craft, skill

1. aqua: bluish-green
The aqua shirt looked a lot like the sea.
2. aquaculture: cultivation of water plants
The plants cultivated by aquaculture don't require soil.
3. aqueous: watery
Her eyes got aqueous during the ceremony.
4. armada: a fleet of warships
The armada arrived to battle.
5. armature: protective clothing for battle
Soldiers wear armature when they go on a mission so they won't get injured badly.
6. armistice: temporary suspension of hostilities by mutual agreement
My brothers and I often reach an armistice after a long argument.
7. artifact: an artifact hand-made
The tribes artifacts resembled their way of living.
8. artifice: cunning ingenuity
My brothers artifice on me when they feel sneaky.
9. artisan: a person skilled at a craft
The products of artisans are decorated so beautifully.
10. millennium: a period of peace; a thousand years
Almost every battle or disagreement eventually reaches a millennium.
11. perennial: annually; year after year
The program's perennial banquet consists of food and family activities.
12. superannuated: worn-out
Many people don't like hand-me-downs because they just focus on the fact that they're superannuated.

Friday, September 5, 2014


August 21, 2014
So many young people want to be older so they can have more privacy and also so they could do whatever they want. So many older people want to be younger because when they're older, thet realize all the things they missed out on when they were young. They regret growing up too fast and not being able to enjoy their childhood. People don't realize how important their childhood is until they're older and have already wastes their time as a child. Personally, if I could stay 15 forever, I would. I'm in no rush to grow up and want to enjoy my time before adulthood.