Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Vocabulary #7

1. duc(t), duce: to lead
2. fed(er), fid(e): faith, trust
3. fin(e): end, limit
4. flec, flex : to bend
1. Aqueduct: a large pipe or other conduit made to bring water from a great distance
•A lot of people use aqueducts to get water.
2. Conducive: tending to lead, help, assist, or result in
•I am conducive when my grandpa needs help.
3. Definitive: completely accurate, reliable, and authoritative; decisive or conclusive
•My best friend gave me a definitive description of me.
4. Fidelity: faithfulness to one's promises or obligations; steadfast faithfulness; technological faithfulness
•I show everyone that I have fidelity no matter what they tell me.
5. Fiduciary: an individual who holds something in trust for another; a trustee
•People can always count on me to be their fiduciary.
6. Finale: a grand conclusion, as of performance; the last scene of a play
•I always wait for the finale of a show because that's where I find out everything.
7. Finite: limited or bordered by time or by any measurement; measurable
•We only have a finite amount of time to finish a test.
8. Flexuous: winding in and out; bending or wavering
•The gymnast did a lot of flexious moves.
9. Inducement: anything used or given to persuade or motivate; an incentive
•My parents always give me inducements to keep me motivated.
10. Inflection: a slight change in tone or modulation of the voice, as in a point of emphasis
•My mom uses inflection when she exaggerates
11. Perfidious: characteristics of one who would intentionally betray a faith or trust; treacherous
•I think of my brother as being perfidious.
12. Traduce: to speak falsely of; to slander or defame; to disgrace another's good name; to vilify
•I always here my family traduce about one another.

Literature Analysis

Lizet Lara
Period 2
Lit. Analysis
                                   The Joy Luck Club
    In the book "The Joy Luck Club," by Amy Tan, a group of women play mah jong. It was a tradition that Suyuan Woo had started when she was in China. She got a group of women and they all played mah jong together feeling very lucky. Suyuan Woo had died a few months ago and the other members of the club wanted Jing-mei Woo, Suyuan’s daughter, to take her place. Along the book, the members started to tell stories of what their childhood was like and different situations they had to face. In one story, a woman named Lindo Jong tells her story and she explains that one sacrifices a part of oneself by putting on one’s "American face" or one’s "Chinese face." It is true because when you put on one face, you lose the characteristics of the other.
    When putting one the "American face" I think that you start doing what you see other Americans doing.You want to be like them. This causes the mothers and their daughters to start fighting, to grow farther apart, and the daughters basically not respecting where they come from and the traditions they grew up in. The "Chinese face" however is when they do obey their parents, do the traditions and don’t want to change. They want to do what their parents think is best for them. They follow their traditions and beliefs. They are opposites.
    You put on one face but take of the other. That’s the bad part of having to wear one face and taking off the other. When you switch faces, the person wearing it can become another person. They lose the character they were when they had the other face. It is impossible to be wearing both faces at a time. You either act all american or all chinese. Most of the daughters wear their "American Face" while the mothers wear the "Chinese face".
    It all depends on which face you are wearing. When choosing, though, you have to be very careful because you have to wear different faces with different people. For example when they're with their friends, they might want to put on their american face. Their chinese face would be what they wear with their parents. They each want different things so they put on different faces.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Leopard Man Questions

9. Tom Leppard is called "Leopard Man because he is tattooed from head to toe with leopard spots.
10. The author thinks that people with tattoos and piercings only do it to seek attention. He feels that since they have failed to attract people's attention positively, they try to do it with shocking decisions.
11. Leopard Man is different from other tattooed and pierced people because he does it to get away from society and everyone. He decided to live in solitude.
12. Leopard Man lives in a small cabin in the Scottish wilderness.
13. According to Feys, society fears loners and 'those mysterious creatures who pursue their own values. They are feared because society doesn't understand them.
14. The world's most common but dangerous psychological disorder is conformity. It is just like suppressing and destroying one's self. We are pressured to surrender our individuality and be like everyone else.
15. Leopard Man is happy because he is now free from social pressures. He feels like he is in a paradise doing what he does and being where he is.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Diction Handout

1. An example of a jargon: plop

2. Opaque- Not transparent
     Elongated- Unusually long
     Phosphorescent- Glowing with light without becoming hot
    Elusive- difficult to find, catch, or achieve
    Cadaverous- Resembling a corpse in being very pale, thin, or bony
    Awash- covered or flooded with water
   ~The shadow the ship cast on the sea made the water dark. But instantly, I saw something elongated and pale floating by the ship close to the ladder. Before I guessed what it could be, a naked body of a man flashed a light. It seemed that the body glowed. I gasped at the sight of a pair of long legs and feet. Then the back revealed itself, but only to the neck. One hand reached out and grasped the bottom rung of the ladder. The man was complete except for the head. It was a headless man. I gapped dropping my cigar, which formed a pop and hiss before forming complete silence. I guessed he lifted his head at this. I climbed on the spar, reaching out to see what the mystery beside the ship could be. He was holding onto the ladder like a swimmer. He seemed ghastly, silvery, fishlike.

3. The elevated language makes the story seem more mysterious. It gives you more chills to read it with big words. Paraphrasing it made it less scary.

4. Saw, gasp, clutched, climbed, gaping

5. The author leaves the captain, ship, and crew nameless to produce a mysterious tone. to make your imagination working trying to picture them and their names.

6. The denotative meaning of the title The Secret Sharer is that the person shares secrets or that the person shares thing secretly.
