Thursday, October 30, 2014

Jonathan Safran Foer Webinar

In Jonathan Safran Foer's book, "Eating Animals", he writes an excerpt called "A Case for Eating Dogs". In the excerpt, he talks about how even though some people think that eating dogs is a wrong thing to do, there are some countries that allow it. I personally think it is not a wrong thing to do. Foer says that people will eat other animals, but when it comes to dogs, they say that it's wrong because they are animals that have feelings and keep human beings company. If that applies to dogs, then it should also apply to other animals that we eat regularly like pork, fish, cows, and chickens. Those animals also have feelings and to some people may think they are better company than a dog will ever be. In the excerpt, Foer says "Three to four million dogs and cats are euthanized annually. This amounts to millions of pounds of meat now being thrown away every year." If humans would accept the fact that dogs or cats are edible and look away from what they are putting in their mouths, like they sometimes do, we would get millions of meat from the many cats and dogs that are killed. If it's alright to eat other innocent animals then why is it so bad to eat dogs. In some countries, it is legal to eat dogs. Many people use dogs and eat them and don't care what others think about it. They do it because that's what they like and believe. We don't care what we eat or put into our bodies, so why do we care if someone eats dog. It surly is a lot healthier than what some people eat like a lot of fat and sugar, which unlike dog meat, doesn't pose a threat to humans and our health. I wouldn't eat dog but I don't think it's that bad to eat it. If we are able to eat other animals, then we should be able to eat dogs. They are just like any other animals, so they should all be treated the same. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Vocabulary # 4

1. bon, boun: good
2. capit, capt: head, chief, leader
3. carn(i): flesh
4. ced(e), ceed, cess: go, yield, surrender

1.  accession: the act of becoming joined
• The accession of the salad ingredients were the great part of preparing for lunch. 
2.  bona fide: in good faith; genuine
• The remark was made in a bona fide way that it was taken into account. 
3.  bonanza: a sudden and unexpected source of money or riches
• The bonanza was an up point in their lives. 
4.  bounteous: plentiful and abundant
• We had a bounteous amount of food for the party. 
5.  capitulation: a final giving up
• After trying and trying, the group of students decided to capitulate.
6.  carnage: a great slaughter
• Many died in the carnage of the battle. 
7.  carnivorous: flesh-eating
• The cat was like a mini carnivorous lion. 
8.  incarnate: in flesh; bodily form personified
• The lady looked like an incarnate of her mother and it confused everyone. 
9.  intercede: to act on another's behalf; to meditate
• After deciding to be more religious, she started interceding more too. 
10. precedent: having gone before
• The precedent was used as a model for future generations.
11. recapitulation: a brief repetition
• The test became easier when I went through recapitulation.
12. reincarnation: a thing that is reborn
• The reincarnation of the god was praised very much.